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Real-Time Hydrologic System

Rio Grande Valley (
As of March 2025, RATES has installed over 60 RATES-designed Real-Tiem Hydrolgic Stations (RTHS) throughout the Lower Rio Grande Valley (Texas). Installation and operation of these stations was/is supported by a variety of sources, including Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Freshwater Flows, TWDB Flood Infrastruce Fund projects administered by the Lower Rio Grande Valley Council of Governments (LRGVDC) and the City of Harlingen, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) 319 programs, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded Norh American Development Bank (NADBank) Border 2025 program, and assorted local municipalities. Stations continuously monitor, at minumim, water level and water temperature; where applicable, rating curves are being developed for converting water level into discharge. Stations TWDB1, TWDB2, and TWDB3 are presently recording continuous water quality data for various parmameters using In-Siutu brand sondes as part of TCEQ-funded watershed characterizaion activities.

RATES has been operating an RTHS on the St. Regis River in Akwesasne, NY on behalf of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe since November 2022. Data from the station is utilized by emergency responders during flood events, which can result from wintertime ice jams, spring snowmelt, or following heavy rainfall; for example, during fooding which occured following heavy rainfall on August 9-10, 2024, tribabl staff used RTHS data to determine when water levels were cresting.

Whaley Lake Dam (
RATES has been operating an RTHS on Whaley Lake Dam in Pawling, NY on behalf of the Town of Pawling and the Ductchess County Soil and Water District. The station is used to continuously monitor water levels, reducing the frequency at which town staff must travel to the dam for measurements.

Sarah Taylor Park (
RATES has been operating an RTHS on Fishkill Creek in the town of Fishkill, NY on behalf of the Dutchess Count Soil and Water District. Water level recorded by the station is utilized by local municipal staff.